The Gold Standard of Sustainability
8th April 2019

Increasingly, sustainability is of great importance and we will see consumers begin to demand environmentally-friendly products, with ethical origins and respectable processes.
Providers will need to prove a dedication to a different way of doing things. At MetCon (Metal Concentrators SA Pty. Ltd), we see this as an incredible opportunity and are taking environmental concerns seriously. As we develop sustainability practices across the business, we are most proud of our gold recycling efforts.
Lustrous, flaxen, rare and malleable, gold is a natural treasure that has been valued and coveted since the dawn of time. Gifted via stellar explosions and found in veins of quartz that extend from the earth’s core, gold will remain forever precious. But what does it actually mean to recycle gold, and why is it important to do so?
Throughout history, approximately ±190 000 tons of gold have been mined. That total is rising by about 3000 tons per year, in turn necessitating the hazardous effects of invasive mining. Soil erosion, deforestation and harmful chemicals from eco-unfriendly mining methods puts great strain upon our environment. And yet, of the total amount of gold mined on earth, only ±3600 tons have been lost, leaving ±186 4OO tons of gold available. This invites us to look at things differently! How eye-opening to realise that if the world had re-used or recycled under three percent of the existing gold supplies in 2012, the entire planet’s demand for gold would have been satisfied. No sacrifice, for a rich reward.
MetCon is well on board. 95% of our total supply of gold comes from recycled sources and we refine it to create our own sought-after range of specialty products. As it experiences absolutely no degradation through recycling, gold may be repurposed so as to bring beauty and joy in other forms. Our 24-carat minted bars, jewellery and medallions are made from this revived gold. The quality is, of course, uncompromised. Renowned for sourcing legitimately verified gold from reputable dealers, MetCon will not accept a new source of gold without a comprehensive certification process, outlined in our internationally determined Responsible Jewellery Council best practice.
To be a true leader of sustainable practice and industry innovation, we will continue to push ourselves and our efforts further.
We understand that true wealth is not confined to a mineral,
but is shared through growth, experience and care for the environment and its people.
We wish to ensure a world exists for future generations to enjoy as much, if not more, than we do.
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